This is the web page of Adrian Salazar Gomez.
I am a researcher specializing in Robotics, as well as 2D and 3D Computer Vision, at the University of Edinburgh. I am affiliated with the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics and the National Robotarium.
For inquiries about my research, email me at
See my work on Google Scholar.
Research Overview
I specialize in the intersecting domains of computer vision, machine learning, and autonomous systems.
Recently, my focus areas include:
- 3D representations derived from 2D data [See detailed samples]
- Computer vision techniques for robotic applications
- Uncertainty and robustness in deep learning models
I am a teaching assistant at King's College London where I am teaching:
- 7CCSMDM1: Data Mining (2020)
- 7CCSMML: Machine Learning (2020 and 2021)
- 6CCS3AIN: Artificial Intelligence Reasoning and Decision Making (2020)
I am a asociated demonstrator at the University of Lincoln where I am teaching:
- Big Data
- Machine Learning
- Introduction to robotics
You can drop me an email to my University of Lincoln email: or to my king's email:
I have had the chance to study my BSc at the University of West Florida and the University of Burgos, a MSc at the University of Edinburgh, and a MSc at King's Collegue London.

If you want to know about my previous studies and my research placements you can take a look to my CV site
New dataset for object detection in agriculture. Title: Lincolnbeet. [DATASET PAGE]
New paper updated to arXiv and submitted to ICRA 2022. Towards practical object detection for weed spraying in precision agriculture. [PDF]
New dataset for anomaly detection. Title: Riseholme 2021. [DATASET PAGE]
New paper updated to arXiv and submitted to ICRA 2022. Self-supervised Representation Learning for Reliable Robotic Monitoring of Fruit Anomalies. [PDF] [CODE]
Paper accepted at UK-RAS 2022 "Robotics at Home". Title: The need for speed: How 5G communication can support AI in the field. [PDF]
Paper accepted at Journal: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Title: Deep Regression versus Detection for Counting in Robotic Phenotyping. [PDF] [CODE]
I will attend to the University of Sheffield summer school in Gaussian Processes and Uncertainty Quantification
I am excited to announce that I will attend to the University of Oxford summer school in machine learning
Gave a workshop on Anomaly detection in Computer Vision at the University of Lincoln
Started as a Research assistant in Machine learning and robotic perception at the University of Lincoln
Started as a Teaching assistant at King's College London